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What some recent delegates had to say...
"This is a course I will always remember. I learnt a lot that I can take away and use."
Natasha Bonnick, Resident Involvement Officer, Raven Housing Trust
"I thought the course was brill and very well delivered by Delwyn. Rod's courses are always very good."
John Hill, Business and Service Development Support Officer, Wigan Leisure & Culture Trust
"The highest recommendation I can give is that I could have watched my son play rugby for his school today but this course was so good I am glad I did not."
Paul Whitehead, Learning Evaluator - Learning Design and Development Centre, Sussex Police
"Excellent and very useful. Learnt lots!! Following attendance at the course we are now in the process of setting up social networking sites to allow members of the community to contact us more easily."
Jane Mowat, Director, Safer York Partnership
"The course gave me general info, facts, figures, sharing other's experiences and knowledge, discussing these issues as a specialist subject. It was useful and highly informative. I loved the small group, giving opportunities to discuss and be heard. Thank you."
Suzanne Hunton, Team Leader, HMP Holme House
"I learnt a lot and would recommend this course to everyone involved in saving money and reducing costs."
Robert Ford, Head of Corporate Planning, Dorset Fire and Rescue Service
"Thank you, this training was interesting and informative. Rafael used excellent humour to make this an interesting topic and day."
Balbir Basi, Area Services Manager, Whitefriars Housing
"A number of new ideas (too many to mention) and confirmation of how other people work and how they should work. Very useful to meet others in the same field."
Dr Iain Inglis, Senior Research Officer, Glasgow City Council
"The trainer was very competent and the seminar therefore worth the cost. A nice venue and good lunch helped."
Sharon Gordon, Strategic Partnership Manager, London Borough of Enfield
"A really useful, enjoyable and stimulating day. I have been working in this field for 3 years and it shows that you don't know it all and that there are new ideas to keep up with and to consider and implement."
PC David Howell, Police District ASB Officer, Safer South Gloucestershire
"Learnt how to use power of language to manage an event. Also able to deal with challenges and maximise learning opportunities."
Michelle Robinson, Tenant Participation Officer, Fortunegate Community Housing
“Enjoyed the training – well presented. Experienced, knowled-
geable. Very good use of methods and styles of delivery. Thanks.”
Gary Forde, Diversity Officer, Kent County Council
"Excellent day, found it interesting and stimulating with practical ideas to take away to put to use"
Rachel Wolstenholme, Community Investment Manager, Guinness Trust
“I enjoyed the day, really related to my experiences and gave me reassurances that even though I have been training a good while, I am still careful enough to think about the outcome. I felt empowered and ready to put some of the theory to good use.”
Joy Scott Thompson, Youth Officer Training and Curriculum Development, Brimingham Youth Service
"Opened a world of methods which I had no knowledge of & particularly web-based surveys which I think we will run locally.
V. useful as usual.
Trainer had breadth of knowledge & v. approachable."
Andrew Burridge, Scrutiny Officer, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
"Excellent. Very thorough and enjoyable. Thanks Martin."
Nicola Dean, Patient Information Co-ordinator, Pennine Acute NHS Trust
"Brilliant!...Overall a very helpful and useful course. Thanks!"
Beth Knight, Anti social Behavior Officer, North Herts District Council
“The course was very interesting. It made me more aware of the language used when designing a questionnaire and the use of questions to meet the objectives of the questionnaire. The workshop exercises triggered more debate than I had expected. The topic poses much food for thought.”
Maxine Lynch, Area Assemblies Budget Officer, London Borough of Haringey
Helen Lumb, Communications Officer, Leeds North East Homes
“Very informative and helpful.”
Colin Rogers, Service Director, Arun District Council