Dear Colleague
Your privacy is sacred
Your details are safe with us. We don’t sell, trade, rent or pass them on to any third party, under any circumstances.
If you are on our mailing list for our newsletters and you need to alter either your contact details or the type of newsletters you receive you can do so by going to Already a Subscriber.
You can also unsubscribe there if you don’t wish to receive further information from us by email. The last thing we want to do is to waste your time with information that is not relevant or not required.
Why not use the Forward to a Friend facility to send an article or a note telling a colleague about something in the library which has caught your eye? (Don’t worry - we won’t email them again unless they ask us to).
If we are writing to you (by post or email) and you want us to
1. Update your details, or
2. You know someone who might like to be added to our mailing list, or
3. You want to come off our mailing list, or
4. You have any problems at all with our messages
…please let us know as soon as you can on enquiries@rodlaird.co.uk
Best wishes
Rod Laird