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Is this the funniest complaint letter ever? After you stop laughing, why there’s a lesson here for you (28 Jun 16)

Complaints on the Internet aren’t a laughing matter. How do you handle them?

When people complain now, where do they go?

The internet. Why? Because it’s cheaper and easier than writing a letter. 

And stories travel lightning fast. Everyone is a potential documentary maker. It has never been so easy for so many people to criticise you or your organisation.

It could happen at any time. You will have to deal with someone setting up a…

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Comment by Sam LBH — 28 Jul 09 at 17:57:13

Hi Rod,

Loved the article, it made me laugh and it certainly lifted the gloom of the day.

I wish I could write like the man in the article, but I guess if I continue talking your courses my writing would improve!

I will certainly book for this course, we receive so many complaints that your course could really give me the tools for dealing with this part of my work.

Thank you once again.

Sam Brown
London Borough of Haringey


Comment by Annie Isos Housing Group — 27 Aug 09 at 11:53:00

An amusing entry to a serious topic - it seems to me that the way any organisaiton handles the complaints it receives is one of the most significant issues for customers. The 14 questions are really helpful.

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