Rod Laird Library
Equality and diversity
13 tricky situations an experienced trainer should know how to handle (06 Feb 2018)
Training can be one of the toughest jobs you will ever do. But it can be hugely rewarding. And the trick is to make it fun - for everyone, including you.
When marketing to older people is a matter of life and death (24 Oct 2017)
Many older people simply don’t know what products and services are available to help them. This means you have a tough marketing job on your hands. Here are 10 things to think about
10 tips for selling care and support services to older people (17 Dec 2015)
If you provide any sort of services or activities to older people, you know very well why this topic is so acutely relevant
How to sell care services to older people – what your colleagues think (03 Jun 2015)
Is there any greater, more taxing challenge than this? Yet surprisingly few social landlords know enough about it. Here’s a workshop that helps
How to grow the number of appointments booked on your website (01 Jun 2015)
An essential skill for anyone marketing care and support services
Empowering older residents to be self-supporting - what's worrying your colleagues? (27 May 2015)
One of your trickiest marketing problems
Does "ethnic matching" pay in research interviews and focus groups? (14 Dec 2014)
It seems logical – but is it always the best approach? An expert gives some sensible guidelines
8 things to think about when promoting race equality (25 Oct 2013)
Your’e promoting race equality. But how can you be sure it’s happening?
When it comes to diversity and equal opportunities community workers are often on the spot (04 Oct 2013)
It’s tough being “piggy in the middle”, especially where diversity and equal opportunities are concerned.
39 ways to make sure your research and consultations include people with disabilities and impairments (03 Oct 2013)
Follow these suggestions so you don’t exclude those who most need a voice from your research
Why spending on adaptions now can save you a fortune down the track – what the research shows (09 Sep 2013)
Adaptations to Older People's Housing Saves Millions
What London Borough of Newham has learnt from providing interpreting services to over 110 different languages and dialects (08 Aug 2013)
Is this a problem for your organisation?
10 ideas for cost effective communications with non English speakers (13 Jun 2013)
You’ve probably come across many communications experts - and many researchers. But what makes Andrew Sills highly unusual is that he combines both skills.
9 things to think about when communicating changes in welfare benefits to non English speakers (05 Jun 2013)
Is this a problem for your organisation?
7 tips for communicating effectively with non - English speakers (01 Jun 2013)
You’ve probably come across many communications experts - and many researchers. But what makes Andrew Sills highly unusual is that he combines both skills.
Five guidelines for using translated material (04 Apr 2013)
If you must use translated materials these points may help
How to spot the signs of financial abuse in a person with dementia (08 Feb 2013)
Door step, mail and telephone scams - and how they prey on vulnerable tenants
Here’s two ingenious but wonderfully simple new ways to protect your vulnerable residents from nuisance phone calls (15 Jan 2013)
Door step, mail and telephone scams - and how they prey on vulnerable tenants
The nightmare of nuisance phone calls for your vulnerable tenants (31 Dec 2012)
Are your residents being targeted by the usual culprits? At last help is at hand.
What do different ethnic groups think about smoke detectors? (17 Dec 2012)
Are your ethnic minority residents as safe as they should be? Here’s some research findings to help you.
What the research found about ethnic minority groups and fire safety issues (06 Dec 2012)
Are your ethnic minority residents as safe as they should be? Here’s some research findings to help you.
A dozen thoughts on making your events more accessible (18 Nov 2012)
How attention to detail, being aware of the obvious and thinking ahead can make it possible for everyone to attend your event
What to do when someone doesn’t find your event easy to attend (16 Oct 2012)
Events are a hugely important way of bringing people together – but are you making yours accessible to everyone?
MORE thoughts on accessibility and social media (29 Jun 2012)
Can your service users and staff with disabilities easily access your Facebook, Twitter and Youtube sites?
Ever wondered how blind people access iPhones and iPads? (26 Jun 2012)
Some useful resources to help you make social media more accessible to everyone
Social media is a marvel – but are you making it easy for everyone to use it? (15 Jun 2012)
What makes Facebook and Twitter difficult for people with disabilities to use. Some problems for you to be aware of
How people with disabilities can best use social media (15 May 2012)
Social media: a double edged sword. Make sure the technology doesn’t kill the benefits
How one online community is doing something to promote community safety amongst its ethnic minority groups (06 Jan 2011)
Whatever you do never forget what you can do with the Internet – even with non-English speakers
Series 3 - Focus Groups: How to conduct focus groups with non English speakers (20 Jan 2010)
Ten simple suggestions - to make things go better - for them and you
Series 2 - Non-English speakers: The seven stages of effective communication to English and non-English speakers (09 Jul 2009)
How does your organisation rate? Spend a few minutes finding out.
10 things to help you comply with the Disability Equality Duty when you undertake research and consultations (05 Jun 2009)
Make sure you include - and don’t exclude - disabled people from your research and consultation projects
Make sure your evaluations don’t exclude the most vulnerable (08 Apr 2009)
If you don’t really know the views and feelings of everyone in your project, your conclusions can be gravely misleading – or just plain wrong.
Two research reports on a very difficult and under researched topic – East and Central European migrant workers (11 Feb 2009)
Both used “snowballing”. Do you know what that is? It’s a real help when you want to capture the views of those who are hardest to reach
Almost anyone, no matter what their condition, can use a computer given the right software or hardware (20 Jun 2008)
An expert’s advice on computing systems which allow all your staff and service users to reach their true potential
Nine tips for researching migrant worker communities (02 May 2008)
Transient, and not always easy to identify – one of your trickiest problems
8 simple ways you can help ensure residents’ groups reflect their communities (29 Mar 2008)
It’s not easy, but how do you make sure residents’ groups do involve everyone?
Commissioning research among ethnic minority communities (19 Feb 2008)
How can you ensure your black and minority ethnic communities are in safe hands when outsiders do the research?
10 top tips for tackling the training challenges of Equality and Diversity training (20 Dec 2007)
Avoid years of damage by good planning and good training - practical advice based on 20 years’ experience
10 ways to save money and provide a better service to your Non English speaking customers (30 Nov 2007)
Including how a £2 phone socket saved one organisation thousands of pounds and hours and hours of valuable interpreting budget
How do you get people in Muslim communities to tell you what they really think and feel? (23 Nov 2007)
These 10 top tips could save you a lot of time and trouble
How one organisation uses the Internet to communicate better with non English speakers (03 Nov 2007)
When you want everyone to understand, this simple concept may be the answer
How do you find out from minority ethnic communities what they really think? (07 Oct 2007)
Your colleagues probably know better than anyone – and here are some invaluable tips
Series 1 - Non-English speakers: Good interpreting is essential – but how on earth can you afford it? (30 Oct 2006)
Do a better, less costly job with an effective in-house interpreting service
Monthly Award Winning Story: Ingenious (and money-saving) way to talk to non-English speakers (25 Aug 2006)
Congratulations to Bernadette Speakman, PALS Manager, Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hospitals
10 top tips to improve your research among the black community (24 Aug 2006)
How can you ensure your research among the black community is insightful, sensitive and leads to results? Start here.
What research found about what different ethnic groups think about smoke detectors (17 Dec 2002)
Are your ethnic minority residents as safe as they should be? Here’s some research findings to help you.