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39 ways to make sure your research and consultations include people with disabilities and impairments (03 Oct 13)

Follow these suggestions so you don’t exclude those who most need a voice from your research

We recently ran our course How To Ensure Your Research And Consultations Include Disabled People for the first time.

Graham Kelly the speaker prepared a handout which contained so much useful information that I thought I would share it with you.

If you have got something to add to any of the tips please feel free to use the comments facility at the bottom of the article on the website. You can go there now by clicking here.

Here are Graham’s tips:

What to do when interviewing somebody with autism

There are approximately 500,000 people in UK with autism so it’s quite common. Remember though that it is not a visibly recognizable disability.


What to do when interviewing somebody with a learning disability


What to do when interviewing somebody with a hearing impairment

About 50,000 people in the UK use BSL as a first or preferred language.

Questionnaires can be shown to the respondent in most cases, and self completed if helpful, even if not intended for self completion

What to do when interviewing somebody with a with speech impairment

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Comment by 1111 1111 — 14 May 12 at 19:36:25


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39 ways to make sure your research and consultations include people with disabilities and impairments