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13 things to think about when you commission an evaluator - not a researcher …(And what's the difference, anyhow?) (13 Aug 09)

While research is about collecting data, evaluation is about using that data to bring about change

Getting the right evaluation consultant isn’t always easy.

You need someone who can use research methods but who can also understand your organisation and its projects.

You need someone to help you bring about change.

So I asked Paul Mattesich, who has been an evaluation consultant for 25 years what to look f…

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Comment by Philip Avon and Somerset Police — 03 Sep 09 at 11:32:03

My role is to evaluate training and to that end I recently attended one off your training seminars. During this we were showed how to consider the evaluation at the initial planning phase by creating a logic model. I have since used these to set evaluation direction and have found it helps me focus on a level 3 or 4 evaluation as opposed to just arriving at level 1 or 2. In essence the evaluation is part of the whole process and not just tagged on the end when people want to know how the training went. The logic model really makes you think about the inputs and the outcomes and how these flow through a time model. The evaluation questions then almost present themselves off the page, which means the process is part of the overall plan rather than just random research which someone then tries to make sense of.

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