Rod Laird Library
Community safety
How to prevent boys and girls joining anti social gangs (01 Dec 2013)
Why do boys and girls join gangs? Can you prevent it? Or how do you work with it?
10 top tips you can use to deal with challenging children (01 Sep 2012)
“It takes a village to raise a child” – so parents and carers sometimes need all the help they can get if they have a difficult child
How one online community is doing something to promote community safety amongst its ethnic minority groups (06 Jan 2011)
Whatever you do never forget what you can do with the Internet – even with non-English speakers
Neighbourhood agreements - A recipe for keeping the place clean and tidy (17 Oct 2009)
Something very simple but highly effective. So why aren’t there more of them?
How to get out of gangs safely - tips for young people from someone who knows (25 Jan 2009)
Why do they join? Why makes them want to leave? How can they do so? Invaluable advice to pass on to young people who may be trapped in a gang
10 top tips in getting results with “difficult” and “defiant” children (22 Apr 2008)
They’re a great challenge – but so rewarding when you succeed – and here are some suggestions
Why you need to take a much broader approach to tackling nuisance issues (05 Sep 2006)
Don’t just use the usual statutory suspects – you must involve everybody who is affected- even indirectly - to get solutions that really work
Don’t let tenants suffer in silence! (18 Jul 2006)
Here are some practical suggestions you can make to help them deal with anti-social behaviour
How to make partnerships work (10 May 2006)
Can’t do it alone? Maybe you can do it with a partner