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The success (or failure) of your event will be determined by what you do before delegates arrive (12 Sep 08)

Your aim is to give your undivided attention to delegates. You can only do this if you are fully prepared. So here’s a check-list for you

Running an event is a bit like war. Ten percent sheer fright and 90 percent keeping things ticking over.

The fright bit is at the start, when everything seems to happen at once and things hit the fan if you are not prepared.

But it needn’t be that way, which is why I got together with Carolyn Kelly our Events Director (see left) and Allison Notley her offsider to put together a checklist so you are prepared when you next run an event.

We run over three events a week so I hope we haven’t missed anything. If you think we have, or you have any questions, please tell us.

But before we look at what you should and shouldn’t do, the golden rule is to get there early. Do this and you are half way there. Even for small events of 10 people we always get to the venue 2 hours before the start.

If you haven’t used the venue before find the venue staff responsible for events so they can show you the room and you can check the following with them. Don’t be shy, as its better to find a problem when there is time to get it sorted.

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