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In house training - what delegates say

Sure Start Braunstone, Leicester

How to tackle the Race Equality Agenda - February 2006

"This was a useful day. It enabled our team members to develop an action plan to take forward with the team.
"Alyson has a good training style and put the material across in a stimulating but non-threatening way.
"Thank you very much"
Deirde Cusack, Programme Director, Sure Start Bruanstone, Leicester

How to deliver culturally competent services - March 2006

"The assessment tool is excellent"
Suzanne Maplesden, Community Support Manager, Sure Start Braunstone, Leicester


Geraldine Connor"Hi Ruth
The course was great - all of them have been, my idea of the area based inter agency training is really working! yippee! but this can't be particularly easy as the participants are a very disparate group, but obviously sharing a commitment to taking this work forward in a meaningful way for our local community.
"The series of courses have been key to this and the trainers have done a magnificent job, not that i would have expected anything different from your organisation, which of course is why i appraoched you to begin with!
"Best wishes, Geraldine"
Geraldine Connor, Community Development Manager, Sure Start Braunstone, Leicester








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